How You Can Help

Support a child

Every child who enters the residential programme has needs to be cloth, toiletries, school uniform, stationary, if external families and individuals adopt a child and take responsibility in kind or a monthly or once off contribution to the maintenance of the child.

Tel - 021 761 2096
Fax - 086 5128 312
Email -

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Make a differnece, make a donation
Paygate Accepted Payment Methods

Mrs.Melany Harris
Tel - 021 761 2096, Cell - 084 623 7230
Email -

Volunteer work and Non Financial Contributions

Margaret's House has a long history of receiving assistance from volunteers and students from within South Africa and abroad. This organisation accepts contributions big and small, irrespective of vocation, or whether a person has experience in youth care development

Financial Contributions

Margaret's House is a registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) who must issue a Section 18 A certificate to companies or individuals who donate monetary value. Should you donate in kind a Section 18 A could be issued on your request.

The organisation is partly funded by Provincial Administration Western Cape Social Development (per child grant). During 2015/16 financial year the subsidy was reduced due to the occupation certificate that only allow 16 children in the residential facility. The child and youth care centre relies largely on independent donation of 45 % of the operational cost (food, accommodation, programme cost, transport, medical, clothing, school expenses, holiday programmes, building maintenance). The independent living programme provides each child with a personal transition plan and Individual development plan. The reunification cost includes transport, family support, etc

Making a financial contribution to Margaret's House may involve detailed communication in terms of defining the specific use of the funds i.e. a specific project. In this case the person or entity wishing to make the donation is encouraged to make contact with a board member to participate in discussions and planning.





Margaret's House Banking Details

Account Name Margaret's House
Bank FNB
In Name of Margaret’s House Child & Youth Care Centre
Branch Code 203209
Account Number 62113361498
Type of Account Cheque


Registration Number: 011-985 NPO
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